Reaching Out

Take the Short Quiz

Each of us knows family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or acquaintances who are lost and don’t know the Lord. They need to be reached with the love and truth of Jesus, for time is short and we are never guaranteed tomorrow. Take the short quiz below to assess how well you are carrying out the Great Commission – to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them what the Lord has taught us.

Quiz –Circle the Appropriate Number:
1) How many people did you witness to in 2021: 10 5 1 0
2) How many people did you invite to church in 2021: 10 5 1 0
3) How many people did you bring to church in 2021: 10 5 1 0

4) How comfortable do you feel witnessing to others about our Lord?

Very Sort of A little Very

Comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable
5) What keeps you from sharing your faith:
___a) I don’t know how.
___b) I don’t want to cause conflict with family, friends, co-workers, or
___c) They probably won’t change anyway.
___d) Evangelism is really the pastor’s job, not mine.
___e) Going to church is very comforting, but why stir up trouble with other
people? They can come any time they want to.
___f) I can’t think of a good excuse; I just don’t want to do it.

When (NOT IF) each of us stands before the Lord, He won’t ask us how much money we made, or how many friends we have. He will ask us “How did you witness for Me to those I brought across your path, and how many souls did you bring into My Kingdom?”
The most important thing we can do is to spend time with the Lord every morning – in reading His Word and in prayer. Only then will we feel empowered to go out and be His witness, to rise to the occasion as true ambassadors of Christ to this fallen world.

To God be the glory
Board of Evangelism