Reaching Out

Great Questions Are Windows Into the Soul – PART V: How is the Lord Working in Your Life?

The New Testament describes many instances in which the Holy Spirit directly intervened in the lives of the apostles, and promises that the Holy Spirit will teach, convict, comfort, and direct His people. Has anyone ever asked you “How is the Lord working in your life?” Have you ever asked this of anyone else? If they did, how do you think they would respond?

This is continuing the series on how great questions can spark deeper conversations, because they are windows into the soul. The key is to know that any question should be followed by listening – really listening – and responding accordingly. We may only use a few of these questions in one setting, but they should be helpful as we seek to converse and witness to others. And always remember – we may just be planting spiritual seeds, but everyone has a story and
needs the Lord.

Great Questions
Have you ever seen the hand of the Lord in your life or sensed His presence? When was it, and what was it like?

How is the Lord working in your life? What is He teaching you?

Do you realize that, as a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within you, and seeks a personal relationship with you?

How does that make you feel?

Do you believe we can discern the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit and be nurtured, convicted, taught, and guided by Him each day?

Do you look for the divine appointments God has for you each day?

Do you understand why God, who is a God of love, allows pain and suffering?

Which do you think is most likely to draw people to the Lord: worldly success or great trials and tribulation?