Reaching Out

Great Questions Are Windows Into the Soul – PART IV – What Do You Think About God

Has anyone ever asked you “What do you think about God?” Have you ever asked this of anyone else? If they did, how do you think they would respond? This is continuing the series on how great questions can spark deeper conversations, because they are windows into the soul. “How Are You?” is a non-threatening way to start a conversation. “Who Are You?” goes deeper into one’s identity, and “What were the defining moments in your life?” asks about profound, watershed moments in your life. This question asks directly: “What do you think about God?”

The key is to know that any question should be followed by listening – really listening –  and responding accordingly. We may only use a few of these questions in one setting, but they should be helpful as we seek to converse and witness to others.   And always remember – we may just be planting spiritual seeds, but everyone has a story and needs the Lord.

Great Questions

When you die and pass through the veil of death into eternity, what do you think you will see and experience?  Does that make you afraid? Intrigued?  Excited?

If you visited heaven, what do you think you would find?

If you visited hell, what do you think you would find?

What do you think about God? Is He your friend?

What do you think He wants from you?

What do you want from Him?

How do you see Jesus?  What do you think it would have been like to be around Him when He walked on the earth?

Why do you think Jesus died on the cross?

Would you die on the cross for a family member? A friend? A stranger?

Do you spend time with the Lord in His Word and prayer every day?

Do you realize that reading the Bible is a divine encounter with the sovereign, living God of the universe?

Do you realize that worship in the body of Christ is also a divine encounter with God?

Do you pray daily? Constantly? What do you think that means to pray constantly?

Why do you think the Word of God says it is a narrow gate and difficult path which leads to eternal life in heaven and there are few that find it?

How can we stay on the narrow path?