Reaching Out

Great Questions Are Windows Into the Soul – PART III

Has anyone ever asked you “What were the defining moments of your life?” If they did, how would you respond? This is continuing the series on how great questions can spark deeper conversations, because they are windows into the soul. The first article dealt with “How Are You?”, which is a non-threatening way to start a conversation. The next article asked “Who Are You?”, which goes deeper into one’s identity. And this one asks for more specifics regarding profound, watershed moments in your life: “What were the defining moments in your life?”

The key is to know that any question should be followed by listening – really listening –  and responding accordingly. We may only use a few of these questions in one setting, but they should be helpful as we seek to converse and witness to others.   And always remember – we may just be planting spiritual seeds, but everyone has a story and needs the Lord.

Great Questions

Have there been DEFINING MOMENTS – turning points in your life when you gained some new insight or experienced a radical change that changed the direction of your life? What were they?

Who has had the greatest positive impact on your life?

Do you realize that you can have or are having that kind of impact on other people? Who in particular? Who COULD you have that kind of impact on?

Do you have close friends you can call when your life is falling apart?

Do you have a small group of friends that you meet with on a regular basis to talk about life and death and God?