Reaching Out

Four Resolves

We can resolve to:

* Linger excessively – spend more and more time with the Lord each day. Make it your resolve to linger long with your Lord.
* Listen eagerly – pay attention to what the Lord says to you. Develop a listening ear when you open the Bible. Listen for the voice of the Lord – His message, His calling, by certain words or and verses that really resonate with you.
* Look expectantly – watch for God’s overtures, those times when he reaches out of heaven to touch your life and work a detail into your story. Write what you see in your journal.
* Love extravagantly – find ways every day to tell the Lord you love Him. Keep the fire of love burning for the Lord. Sometimes I just say, “Lord, I love You so much. Thank You for how you are working in my life.”
Now apply this to your spouse and family, to:

* Linger excessively,
* Listen eagerly,
* Look expectantly, and
* Love extravagantly.
Now apply this to the person you encounter – in your neighborhood, at the grocery store, at work, or even at church.

Board of Evangelism

Adapted from The Calling, by Catherine Martin