
Christmas Day 2021

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2021

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Sermon for 12.26.21 First Sunday after Christmas “Prepared for heaven”

Sermon for 12.26.21 1st Sunday after Christmas
Text: Luke 2:22-40
Theme: Prepared for heaven

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*

*The Gospel lesson serves as our sermon text for this morning.*

*Grace, mercy, and peace be yours from God the Father through our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.*

*Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray:*

*Heavenly Father, we pray that we hearers will know we are prepared for
heaven because of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


*Dear brothers and sisters of Christ Jesus: We’ve just celebrated Christmas
yesterday, and today we’re back in church to continue our celebration of
the gift God has given to the world—and, most important, to each one of
us!—namely, Jesus the Christ! *

*With our focus in these days on the amazing reality that at Christmas God
came down to earth, the sermon title may sound a little out of season:
“Prepared for Heaven!” *

*Well, of course, we know heaven isn’t just something we get around to
talking about at Easter or maybe Ascension, when Jesus, after his time on
earth, ascends back to heaven. *

*No, you know very well that the birth of Christ Jesus has everything to do
with your preparation for heaven. *

*The truth of the matter is that for us to be in heaven someday, we need
Jesus Christ coming down to earth . . . because without his coming here we
can’t have peace with God. And that, peace with God, is the key element of
the Gospel—and therefore also the key to heaven. *

*Let us all be very clear about this: We Are Prepared for Heaven Because
Our Savior Brings Us Peace with God!*

*I. Christmas in the eyes of the world is all about family, nostalgia,
traditions, and gifts, without any thought of the eternal ramifications.*

*This peace with God is something that all men, women, and children need. *

We need this because all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of

All people by their sins have earned eternal death and damnation.

This truth of the circumstances of all people is something that does not
play well in the ears of the world.

Christmas isn’t supposed to be a time of thinking about sins and

It’s supposed to be a time of joy and goodwill toward all men.

It’s a time for holly, traditions and everything in between, isn’t it?

*For many people, Christmas is a holiday and time of tradition for the
family and nothing more. *

*Many people don**’**t know Jesus as the great gift that God has given to
the world. *

*In fact, Jesus sort of gets in the way of the fun and festivity if you
take him and his words too seriously.*

*Of course, I**’**m talking about the grown-up Jesus. *

*The baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in the manger is so cute
and adorable, the stuff of the Precious Moments figurines. *

*That image of Jesus many in the world embrace and remember is one of

* Even the Holy Family is an image that**’**s viewed kindly; after all, it*
*’**s an illustration of family, and Christmas is a time for family.*

*And, oh, how the people of the world love the gift-giving part of
Christmas. *

*Merchants love it because the success or failure of their enterprises
often depends on the Christmas shopping season. *

*The recipients of the gift-giving love it because of the gifts they get,
unless they don**’**t get the gift they**’**ve been longing for. *

*The sad part about all the gift-giving is a lack of understanding of the
greatest gift that God has given to the world.*

*Most people don**’**t know they need a Savior. *

They only see a little baby, remember him for this time of year, and then
forget about him until it’s time for another Christmas celebration.

Truthfully, there are many who don’t see Jesus at all, because their
Christmas celebrations center around a fat bearded man in a red suit.

The vast majority of the people of the world take no thought and have no
knowledge of the eternal ramifications of the birth of Jesus the Christ.

*And of equal concern is the reality that some Christians get caught up in
the frenzy and glitter of Christmas without taking time to reflect on the
gift of God and the eternal ramifications of the gift of Jesus.*

* II. Christmas in the eyes of believers is God**’**s promised peace
that prepares us to receive and share heaven.*

*The birth of Jesus is a joyous reality because it was prophesied and
promised by God for many years prior to its fulfillment. *

*That**’**s why Simeon and Anna were so happy and rejoiced upon seeing the
Christ Child. *

They’d been waiting and longing for the Savior.

When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple, they didn’t just see a
little baby; they also saw their Savior.

They saw the Savior of mankind.

Simeon and Anna, by the power of the Holy Spirit, saw and knew the great
gift of God to them and to all mankind.

*Simeon points out God**’**s grace is for everyone and needed by everyone
when he states in what we know as the Nunc Dimittis: *

“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your
word; for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the
presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for
glory to your people Israel” (verses 29–32).

Notice that this salvation is not only for God’s people Israel (the Jews)
but also for the Gentiles.

We know this to be true because God tells us that he desires all people to
come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved (cf 1 Timothy 2:4).

*If you remember anything from this sermon, remember that we are prepared
for heaven because our Savior brings us peace with God! *

*The birth of Christ is a great blessing because Jesus, true God, became
incarnate so that he might live perfectly under the Law and satisfy that
Law for all mankind. *

*Jesus had to live willingly, perfectly under the Law of God as a man in
order to experience the Law of God in the same way that we experience it. *

*He had to be able to be tempted as we are tempted.*

*Jesus was tempted in every way that you and I are tempted. *

*He is truly human. *

Jesus lived perfectly under the Law of God without ever sinning.

And in fulfillment of the Law, he took on the sins of all mankind so that
he once and for all could pay their price, completely, on the cross.

We are therefore saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

We can say with Simeon that we are able to depart in peace, because through
faith in Christ Jesus we see, hear, and know that we are at peace with the
heavenly Father and we are certain of our eternal salvation.


*And we, as believers in Christ Jesus, are enabled by the Holy Spirit to
exhibit goodwill toward our fellow men by sharing with them the truth of
who Jesus is. *

*Speak to those whom you know who don**’**t know the eternal ramifications
of the birth of Jesus. *

*Help those around you know that preparation for heaven comes through faith
in Christ Jesus. *

*Christmas is not just about the baby Jesus but also the resurrected Lord
Jesus Christ. *

*Remember that the hope of Anna and Simeon is tied up in Jesus**’**
meritorious work on their behalf as well as ours. *

*Christmas must never be divorced from Calvary, Jesus**’** death, and the
resurrection of Christ and Easter. *

*Anna and Simeon were so joyful because by the power of the Holy Spirit
they believed in the Christ and believed in their heavenly home. *

*And notice from our sermon text that Anna and Simeon then witnessed of the

*God bless you and empower you as you share with others the joy you know in
Christ *

*Jesus!The reality that you are prepared for heaven! Amen.*

*Let us pray:*

Luke 2:29-32

(29) “Now, Lord, you are allowing your servant to leave in peace as you

(30) My eyes have seen your salvation,

(31) which you have prepared for all people to see.

(32) He is a light that will reveal salvation to the nations and bring
glory to your people Israel.“

*The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.*

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*


Sermon for Christmas Day 2021 “For you who fear…”

*Sermon for Christmas Day 2021 Text: Luke 2:8-11 Theme: For you who fear…*

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*

*Luke 2:8-11 serves as our sermon text for this morning, which reads as

(8) And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night.

(9) And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the
Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

(10) And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good
tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

(11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which
is Christ the Lord.

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Amen.

*Grace, mercy, and peace be yours from God the Father through our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.*

*Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray:*

Lord God, heavenly Father, we thank You that of Your abundant mercy You
sent Your only begotten Son to be made man, thereby graciously causing us
to be saved from sin and eternal death. And we pray that You would
enlighten our hearts by Your Holy Spirit, that we may give thanks to You
for this Your grace and take comfort in it in every distress and
tribulation, and so by Your Son, our Lord Christ, obtain eternal salvation.


*“**He looks just like you!**”*

*“**You can sure see his father there!**”*

*“**Look at that nose! Just like Aunt Gert**’**s!**”*

*We all know the game. *

*Peering through the glass on the neonatal floor or dropping off a meal for
the new family, you try to guess who Baby resembles. *

*I**’**m never very good at this. To me, all babies just look like babies.
But some people can see amazing resemblances**—**or at least think they
can. Perhaps they**’**re just seeing whatever they want to see.*

*Remarkably, all four Epistles appointed for Christmas**—**Christmas Eve,
Midnight, Dawn, and Day**—**look at our new baby and do see his family
traits. *

Paul looks at the baby Jesus and tells Titus, “The *grace of God* has
appeared” (Titus 2:11).

Then he looks again, and says, “The *goodness and loving kindness of God*
our Savior appeared” (3:4).

The writer to the Hebrews exclaims: “He is the radiance of the *glory of
God* and the exact imprint of his *nature*” (Hebrews 1:3)!

And John, who knew him best of all, takes a good close look upon him, even
touches him with his hands, and recognizes, “In this the *love of God* was
made manifest among us” (1 John 4:9, emphases added).

*The baby Jesus looks just like God his Father:*

which means that in his Son, God has brought “salvation for all people”
(Titus 2:11),

has “saved us, . . . according to his own mercy” (3:5),

“upholds the universe by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:3),

and has “sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him
” (1 John 4:9).

*1. What do you fear this morning?*

*On a different subject altogether, what do you fear this morning? *

*The usual things?*


Political upheaval?

Your after-Christmas bills?

Loss of health and mobility?


*2. Like the shepherds, we should rightly fear in light of the glory of

*The shepherds, too, were filled with fear on that first Christmas night,
but it wasn**’**t over the little stuff. *

*It wasn**’**t over the price of sheep, or the unseen dangers that lurked
in the darkness, or the decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world
should be taxed. *

*It was the angel of the Lord who appeared to them, and the glory of the
Lord that shone around them that caused the shepherds to fear as they were
out in the field keeping watch over their flocks by night. *

*They were **“**filled with great fear,**”** Luke tells us (verse 9). **“**Sore
afraid,**”** as the King James Bible says. The Greek literally says:
greatly afraid with terror.*

*Why were they so filled with fear and terror?*

The glory of the Lord that shone around them when God’s angelic messenger
spoke to them was in their very midst!

*This was a godly fear that the shepherds had.*

It was a fear that recognized and acknowledged the presence and holiness of

It was a fear that quietly confessed their utter unworthiness to be in the
presence of the holy God because of their unholy sin.

It was a fear that left the shepherds naked and exposed before God, whose
glory surrounded them when his messenger appeared to them on that cold
winter night.

*And what about you and me? *

*We**’**re certainly not shepherds, but we do each have our own vocation: *








state employee,


medical technician,




road worker,



We each have our vocation, just as the shepherds did, and we live and move
and have our being in whatever “field” and over whatever “flock” God has
placed us.

*And as often as we are confronted by God**’**s Word, the angel of the Lord
appears to us and the glory of the Lord shines around us as well. *

*For what are angels but God**’**s messengers whom he sends to do his
bidding and declare his Word:*

that Word which is “living and active” and “[pierces] to the division of
soul and of spirit,”

that Word which “[discerns] the thoughts and intentions of the heart” and
makes it so that

“no creature is hidden from [God’s] sight, but all are naked and exposed to
the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:12–13).

*Yes, the glory of the Lord shines around us whenever and wherever our
lives come face-to-face with him who meets us in his Word. *

*“**For God, who said, **‘**Let light shine out of darkness,**’** has shone
in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the
face of Jesus Christ**”** (2 Cornithians 4:6). *

*And that glory of God which shines around us, as often as his Word breaks
into our comfortable lives:*

that glory of God should rightly leave us, like it left the shepherds,
filled with fear, utterly exposed, and sore afraid because of our sin.

* 3. But for you who have been led to a godly repentance for your sin,*
*The Message of Christmas**—**God**’**s Good News to You This Morning**—**Is
**“**Fear Not!**”*

*But for you who are filled with fear at the prospect of standing before
God alone on Judgment Day, *

for you who have been led by God’s Spirit to a godly repentance for your

for you who are searching for cover for your nakedness and are craving the
love, mercy, and affection of our gracious God that Adam and Eve knew in
the beginning,

*For you The Message of Christmas**—**God**’**s Good News to You This
Morning**—**Is **“**Fear Not!**”*

*4. For God himself has acted to save you from your sin.*

*Fear not! *

*For God himself has acted decisively to save you from your sin. *

*He who created you, and was grieved by mankind**’**s turning away from
him, but who wants all people to be saved and to know life again as it was
in the beginning:*

this loving Lord of heaven and earth has sacrificed himself to buy his
creation back from the curse of sin.

He has done what only God could do to right the situation!

God the Father has sent his one and only divine Son into this world to
assume our human nature, to become sin for us, to live up to God’s Law
perfectly for us, and then to give his life into death also for us and for
all people, to silence the accusation of the Law forever!

We frail humans are sometimes forced to cancel Christmas services on
account of bad weather, but on that first Christmas, God gave birth to his
plan to cancel sin—forever! “

Fear not [the angel said], for behold, I bring you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city
of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (verses 10–11).

*5. So **“**Fear not!**”** this day or any day, including your last.*

*And in Christ there**’**s no need to fear when surrounded by the glory of
the Lord. *

*In Christ, there**’**s no need to fear at the prospect of standing before
your Maker on the Last Day, because in believing that Word of the angel to
the shepherds, you will not stand alone! *

*Instead, by faith, you always stand in Christ! *

*And in Christ: *

that is, fearing and loving and trusting him above all things

God’s final Word to you is good news.

It is grace and mercy.

*Because Jesus Christ has borne in his own naked body, exposed and hanging
on a cross, the full wrath of God over your sin.*


*So **“**Fear not!**”** on this warm winter morning. *

*Fear not any day of your life, including your last. *

*“**For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is
Christ the Lord**”** (verse 11). Amen.*

*Let us pray: *

Most merciful God, You gave Your eternal Word to become incarnate of thte
pure Virgin. Grant Your people grace to put away fleshly lusts, that they
may be ready for Your visitation; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives
and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

*The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.*

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*


Sermon for Christmas Eve 2021 “The Savior is born”

Sermon for Christmas Eve 2021
Texts: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; 1 John 4:7-16; Matthew 1:18-25
Theme: The Savior is born (told in three parts)

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*

*The three Scripture readings serve as our texts for our consideration this

*Grace, mercy, and peace be yours from God the Father through our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.*


*Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray:*

*O God, You make this most holy night to shine with the brightness of the
true Light. Grant that as we have known the mysteries of that Light on
earth we may also come to the fullness of His joys in heaven; through the
same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and
the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.*

*Part One: The Savior was born.*

*We**’**ve heard it once again. *

*A thumbnail sketch of the Christmas message. *

*And if there**’**s one time of the year we wouldn**’**t want to miss the
forest for the trees, it**’**s Christmas! *

*Around the world, churches are full and ears open. *

*The traditional **“**trees**”** of Christmas surround us: *

beautiful music, carol upon carol,

all the sights, sounds, and smells that we’ve come to know and love.

*Against this backdrop, once again tonight, God**’**s Word invites us to
step back and see the forest as well as the trees:*

to hear once again some of the key passages of Scripture that take us from
deep in the history of God’s people to the birth of the Savior.

*We heard from the prophet Isaiah the who, when, and where of the Savior,
especially that he would be a Son from the house of King David, whose
father was Jesse. *

*Then we heard from the New Testament of the fulfillment of those ancient
promises that the Savior:*

the very Son of God, the actual Word of God, who is eternal with God, who
himself is God

He was born into the world in Bethlehem, to a virgin named Mary, so that he
could give his life in exchange for our life, as payment for our sin, which
has disqualified us—both here and forever—from the blessed life our Creator
intended for us.

And we heard a profound commentary on the birth of Christ from St. John who
proclaimed to us that God sent his Son into the world to be a payment for
our sins, so that we might live through him, and that Christ appeared to
bring salvation for all people.

*Such is the biblical narrative of Christmas, as we have heard it again
tonight. *

*And it**’**s really very simple.*

*Part Two: The Savior is born*

*Christmas is about God**’**s gift to you:*

the concrete, flesh-and-blood, real-life gift of his own Son, born into
this world as Jesus of Nazareth so that he could walk in our shoes, and
live in our skin, and experience what we experience and, because he is God,
could then redeem fallen humanity—redeem us!—from the curse of sin, death,
and everlasting condemnation.

*Christmas is about God**’**s gift of hope for beyond this life. *

Hope for you!

Hope for a never-ending, perfectly blissful existence with him, just as he
intended it from the beginning for his creation.

*Part Three: The Savior is born for you!*

*No matter how far you**’**ve wandered, *

*no matter how buried the Gospel message has become under the other
priorities in your life, *

*no matter how bittersweet tonight**’**s celebration might be for you
because of sad memories or the sorrows you**’**ve experienced this year, *

*God**’**s simple good news of the Gospel remains the same for you tonight.

*That a Savior has been born for you! *

*That his name is Christ the Lord. *

*And that he took all the baggage and guilt of your life onto himself and
paid for it at the cross where he died for your sins. *

*And in exchange, he gives you his holiness and innocence, his
righteousness and adoption as sons and daughters, his promise that you will
follow after him in his resurrection from the grave and ascension into

*And this gift of hope doesn**’**t depend in any way on your earning it. *

*It**’**s God**’**s pure and free gift for you and for all people, just for
the believing:*

promised of old,

given in Bethlehem,

paid for on the cross,

and unwrapped for you tonight.

*This gift was first given in Bethlehem, but God didn**’**t stop giving his
gifts there. *

*And his giving to you doesn**’**t end with tonight. *

*Rather, everything we**’**ve heard this evening and so much more, together
with all the life-changing reality it brings is available to you constantly
in the fellowship of the Holy Christian Church: *

*love, *

*forgiveness, *

*grace, *

*mercy, *

*peace, *

*hope, *

*acceptance, *

*redemption, *

*and salvation. *

*It**’**s all God**’**s gift to you, for the sake of Christ Jesus, every
time you hear and receive God**’**s Word in faith and join in the communion
of saints.*

*So this is why Joy to the World crowns this Silent Night! *

*Not only because a Savior was born, but because the Savior is born:*

*born into your heart again tonight by his Gospel, born into your heart for
your salvation. *

*And the gifts that your Savior brings, he will keep offering to you in the
communion of his Church**—**in this very place**—**until he comes again.*

*A Savior Was Born.*

*The Savior Is Born.*

*The Savior is Born for You!*


*Let us pray:*

*Almighty God, grant that the birth of Your only begotten Son in the flesh
may set us free from the bondage of sin; through Jesus Christ, Your Son,
our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and forever. Amen.*

*The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.*

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*


Fourth Sunday In Advent 2021

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Mid-Week Advent Service 3 2021

Check out the latest service at YouTube

Reaching Out

Entering Into Another Person’s World

Entering into another person’s world with compassion, empathy, and love is a good first step to witnessing to them about our Lord, because people don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care. Meeting another person is like traveling to a foreign country, with different customs, values, and religious beliefs.
Many people live lives of quiet desperation, so unless we can enter into the world, to see the world as they do, we won’t be able to connect with them or to minister to them. While we will want to share our life experiences as well as ask questions, the following questions might help us step into their world:

1. How are you – are you happy? Sad? Frustrated? Angry? Bitter? Joyful?
2. What do you look forward to?
3. What brings joy into your life?
4. Are you afraid of anything? What?
5. When you are really down, what do you do? Who do you turn to?
6. Have there been defining moments – turning points in your life that changed the direction of your life? Can you share them with me?
7. When you die and go to the other side, what do you think you will see and experience? Does that make you afraid? Intrigued? Excited?
8. How do you see God? Who is He/She and what does He/She want with you? What do you want from God?
9. How do you see Jesus? What do you think it would have been like to be around Him when He walked on the earth?
10. Have you ever seen the hand of the Lord in your life, or felt His Presence? What was it like?
11. Do you know the Lord’s calling on your life – the unique and special purpose for which you were created?
12. If so, are you living out that purpose? If not, why not?

Finally, we need not be anxious about witnessing to others: “…do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” Matthew 10:19-20
To God be the glory
Board of Evangelism


Sermon for 12.15.21 Advent Midweek 3

*Sermon for 12.15.21 Advent Midweek 3 Text: **Luke 19:41**–**44; John 11:30*
*36 Theme: The Man**’**s Man: Why Would Jesus Ever Cry?*

*In the Name of the Father…Amen.*

*Two texts we focus on tonight are Luke 19:41-44, which was read earlier,
and John 11:30-36, which reads as follows: *

*(30) Now Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still in the
place where Martha had met him.*

*(31) When the Jews who were with her in the house, consoling her, saw
Mary rise quickly and go out, they followed her, supposing that she was
going to the tomb to weep there.*

*(32) Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his
feet, saying to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have

*(33) When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also
weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.*

*(34) And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord,
come and see.”*

*(35) Jesus wept.*

*(36) So the Jews said, “See how he loved him!”*

*This is the Word of the Lord. And for added affect, let us not forget
verse 37:*

*(37) But some of them said, “Could not he who opened the eyes of the
blind man also have kept this man from dying?”*

*Grace, mercy, and peace be yours from God the Father through our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.*

*Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us pray:*

*Set our hearts, O Lord, on Your blessings and promises, that we remain
steadfast in our faith during all circumstances. Amen. *


*As most of you know by now, our focus this Advent is to offer **“**Advent
Answers to Hard Questions Hardly Anybody Is Asking.**”*

*Hindsight says that may sound a bit defensive, as though we Christians are
out of step with our culture, irrelevant and immaterial, as if we**’**re
sort of the Maytag serviceman who spends his days twiddling his thumbs
while the rest of the world passes us by, while other, more pressing issues
are being addressed. *

*After all, there**’**s warfare and conflict almost everywhere in the
world; there**’**s a host of moral and societal issues which cry out for
our response and prayer.*

*So, does anybody really care or remember the question we asked the first
week, **“**How can God take on human flesh, and why?**”*

*Or, what about last week, **“**When Jesus was a boy, did he know that he
was God?**”*

*I**’**m not so na**ï**ve to suggest that most of the people we know either
care or bother about such matters; such questions won**’**t be the hot
topic around the proverbial water cooler.*

*But, I**’**ll tell you, we had better care about such questions, for they
provide: *

*The footing for our faith, *

*The framework for our confession, *

*The foundation for our eternal destiny. *

*To such questions, we had better know the answer, the Advent answer.*

*The first week we focused on Jesus the baby; last week, Jesus the child;
today, the very adult Jesus, the Man**’**s Man, and we ask,*

*Why Would Jesus Ever Cry?*

*I. Because his heart was filled with sadness and compassion over sin
and death.*

*We sometimes portray Jesus as a gentle, sweet person who loved to hold
children in his lap. *

*That**’**s true, and such qualities for sure don**’**t minimize one**’**s
masculinity. *

*But Jesus was also filled with courage; he didn**’**t hesitate to confront
evil; and, as for religious pretense, more than once he called certain
Pharisees hypocrites and a **“**brood of vipers.**”*

*You**’**ve heard the old adages, **“**Big boys and grown men don**’**t cry*
*”** or **“**Keep a stiff upper lip**”** or **“**Hang tough.**”*

*Well, of course we know Jesus cried, quite famously, in fact, and probably
far more than the two references in Scripture.*

*Amid the Palm Sunday procession and before he went into the temple to do
his spiritual housecleaning, as he approached Jerusalem, he wept (Luke

*The people had failed time and time again to heed the call to repentance
and had continued in their woefully sinful ways.*

*Why did Jesus cry?*

*Because his heart was filled with so much sadness**—**like seeing someone
whom you deeply love go astray.*

*I wonder if he still cries when he sees his people, people who call him
Lord, behave or think in ways that fly in the face of discipleship.*

*Jesus also wept when his good friend Lazarus died (John 11:35).*

*Not when he first heard the news, for he knew he had power to raise him,
even after four days. *

*Rather, it was when he saw his dear friend Mary of Bethany weeping in
sorrow over the loss of her brother. *

*Oh, how his heart was filled with compassion and care! *

*Oh, how rich it is to know and believe that Jesus is with us during our
times of sorrow and pain!*

*II. Because, as a Man**’**s Man, he was not afraid to cry**—**or to
sacrifice himself for those who grieve.*

*Jesus**—**the Man**’**s Man. *

*Nowhere in Scripture is his strength and courage more dramatic than when
he was nailed to the cross. *

*Remember what happened during our Lord**’**s Passion:*

He was beaten

He was battered.

He was physically and verbally abused,

*In all this, he never once relinquished his single-minded resolve to
fulfill his mission of redemption for the world, as full and final payment
for all of our sins.*

*In addition to the two references to Jesus**’** weeping, I wouldn**’**t be
surprised if a tear came to his eye when he looked down from that cross and
beheld his mother.*

*Simeon was right when he said; a sword would pierce Mary**’**s heart (Luke
2:35), and it was happening now. *

*Despite his own pain and imminent death, Jesus had to ensure that she,
most likely a widow, would be cared for through his best friend, John.*

*What**’**s a good definition of a Man**’**s Man?*

*Someone who:*

shows unbridled concern and compassion,

someone who identifies with those who grieve,

someone who is not afraid to call evil by its right name,

someone who is totally selfless and willing to sacrifice his own life for

someone who isn’t afraid to cry.


*This Advent has been about **“**When Heaven Met Earth.**”*

*Actually, every Advent is about that, for this time and season tells the
miraculous story of God becoming flesh and blood through a baby named
Jesus, about that child**’**s obedience to the will of his heavenly Father,
about the Son of God who is our Savior and Lord. *

*Whatever else is going on in and around our lives, this story is
paramount, for all else will pale in comparison when the Lord comes in His
final Advent. Amen.*

*Let us pray:*

*Hear our daily confession of sins, O Savior, and set our hearts on things
above. Amen. *

*2 Corinthians 13:14* * The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of
God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.*

*The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus. Amen. *

*In the Name of the Father**…**Amen.*


Third Sunday in Advent 2021

Check out the latest service at YouTube