

Ronald Bacic
The Reverend Ronald J. Bacic serves as pastor at First Lutheran. He was called to full time ministry after the death of his mother to cancer in 2004. He graduated in 2009 from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. Little Rock was his first assignment as a pastor.
Pastor Bacic’s favorite Bible verse is also his confirmation verse, which is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” While he enjoys all aspects of the ministry, Pastor Bacic enjoys sharing the Word of God and the Sacrament the most with those he visits who are shut-in or in the hospital, as he teaches Bible class, and talking with people one on one.
In his spare time, Pastor Bacic likes working on jigsaw puzzles, spending time with his wife and sons, journaling as he studies Scripture, listening to various forms of music (easy listening, jazz, and classical), and taking a nap after a busy day at the office. He belongs to Federal Toastmasters and is helping to build a christian themed toastmasters club.
Karl Zeh
Music Director
Mike Metzler, music director and organist.
The vestry is the governing body of the church consisting of elected members
- Ron Bacic, Pastor
- Mark Hagge, President
- Mark Kaucher, Vice President
- Janice Jackson, Secretary
- Rhonda Kaucher, Financial Secretary
- Leslie Vlisides, Board of Stewardship Chair
- Mark Peterson, Board of Evangelism Chair
- Gloria Cates, Board of Human Care
- Francis Bacic, Board of Christian Education Chair
- Dean Vlisides and Mark Kaucher, Trustees
- Dale Hoff, Chair of the Elders
- Dale Hoff
- Felix Cates
- Bill Jackson
Lutheran Women’s Business Club
- Janice Jackson
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
- JoAnne Holmes