Reaching Out

There is Only One Race

In the eyes of the Lord, there is only one race – the human race, not several races – black, brown, red, yellow, and white. When each of us was created, God chose what color suit (skin color) we should wear. He could have chosen you to be born in a different color suit, but look in the mirror – that is the color He chose for you. He even chose your parents, and the time of your birth.
So you and I were created to live in this color suit, in this time, because He has specific work for us to do. We are called to be ambassadors from the Kingdom of God to the Kingdom of Man, representing Jesus Christ to the world. We are called to be witnesses in the courtroom of life (where we are always being judged), called to the witness stand to be a witness to our Lord and all He has done in our lives.
The Lord calls each of us to a unique journey with Him. He will lead us and equip us for a higher purpose than of this world. Jesus has a story He wants to tell through each of our lives. He calls to us moment-by-moment, drawing us into a deeper relationship and leading us in the direction He has in mind. He is more interested in who we are with Him than what we do for Him.
So no matter what age we are, what our skin color or gender is, we can live these days with great purpose, for He has something in mind to accomplish in and through us in every season of our life. It means life is never over. Never. We have stepped into the stream of eternal life where we live with Jesus into eternity.
We also know that regardless of events taking place in our lives, none of it is a surprise to Jesus. He knows our every need and promises to provide. He is not worried. If He is not worried, then we need not worry. We are to cast our burdens upon the Lord for Him to carry instead of us. After all, it is His life, and He can handle it.
When we encounter another person, underneath their appearance and skin color is a soul – a person with feelings, thoughts, fears, and aspirations. In all likelihood, they are entering a battle, are in a battle, or emerging from one. When we ask them to tell us their story, we can tell them ours, and especially the story of Christ. So let us reach out to that person with the love and truth of our Lord, that they too make enjoy life in Christ.
“I pray that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened; so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” Ephesians 1:18
To God be the Glory