Reaching Out

We Are Behind Enemy Lines

On June 5, 1944 (the day before D-Day), a British parachute unit landed behind German lines, seized vital positions, then connected with Allied forces landing on the beaches the next day. Before departing, the lieutenant colonel told the troops: “We are making history,” then prayed for their success and safety.
In like manner, we have been sent behind enemy lines, for Satan is the ruler of this world (constrained by what God allows). Similar to the WWII soldiers, we are spiritual warriors sent by the Lord to:

* secure vital positions (such as our homes),
* support local resistance fighters (Christians in our neighborhood, workplace, and church),

* rescue innocent civilians (the lost), and
* act as forward observers for artillery (prayers – calling in Holy Spirit intervention on particular individuals in need – for healing, conviction, support, guidance, peace, and love, so they may experience an abundant, Spirit-filled life).
Unlike the Allied forces fighting the Nazis, we do not wrestle against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against the evil rulers of the unseen world – mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world.
Similar to troops being sent behind the enemy lines, we need to:

* respond to our Lord calling us to carry out His Great Commission, saying “Send me Lord, send me.”
* train for our task – through involvement in our church and Bible studies, fellowship with Christians, reading the Bible, and spending quiet time with our Lord.
* equip for battle – putting on the whole armor of God:
* girding our waists with truth,
* putting on the breastplate of righteousness,
* for shoes, putting on peace from the Gospel,
* taking the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one,
* taking the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God, and
* praying always in the Spirit for all the saints, asking God to give us the right words to boldly speak His message of salvation, and
* filling the gaps in our armor by repenting of our sins, forgiving others, and yielding to our Lord.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, as we respond to the call from our Lord, we are making history. I pray for our success and safety in this vital endeavor.

To God be the glory